WIFI Fire suppression system FDU WRS

Fire detection for suppression system FDU WRS LK
The fire detection and suppression unit FDU LK could be assembled with any suppression unit and releases electric operated extinguishing. It senses over temperature and releases the electric power of 24V DC 10 W at settable temperatures between 135 and 200 degrees C. A pre warning temperature and the pressure check of the agent cylinder could be set voluntary. The release by electric linear sensors or temperature switches is optional as well as wired manual release.
Green screen displays
Functionality ok
In the following example two temperature sensors are connected and are reading the ambient temperature. Sensor 3 and 4 are shunted by a jumper and therefore
not active. The number of transferred messages (225) to the server is listed in parentheses.

Yellow screen displays
If no sensor or jumper is connected, then the display shows
< Err! > as shown for example on the next picture at location T4.
If the background is yellow there is a problem, which is determined not only by sensor failure but also the connection error of the solenoid or the pressure switch..
A caution
message appears even if only one of the following momentums exists.
Coil or fuse: no connection or short circuit
Pressure switch: no connection, low pressure or short circuit
Sensor: sensor not in place or missing shunt
The terminals for the pressure switch and the solenoid coil at the printed circuit board are of strong spring connectors.
Please see the wire diagram thereof.
A cable set could be supplied on request.

However, this feature requires the assembly of two resistors of 500 Ω and 1 kΩ 0.5 W connected direct to the terminals of the pressure switch as shown. The wiring to the terminal of the solenoid or the fuse is also monitored (50Ω). The following example of the display shows everything is in good order except the pressure sensor, which perceives no pressure indication.
Red screen displays
Fire Alarm
Now all 4 sensors are connected to the PCB, one measures the temperature of 138 °C, which means fire in the engine compartment and therefore the 24 VDC 10 W power output was released to the solenoid and the fire alarm
is displayed on the screen. The pre warning and release temperature could be freely set. The indication board prevents optical and acoustical signals to the
driver. As an option the horn could be connected amplifying the noise to 90 dB in case of fire. The time of sounding could be set voluntary.

1) Fasten the SNS housing to the ceiling with cable ties and supply it with voltage.
2) Cut the 13 mm marten hose to the length from the housing to the danger point and guide the free end of the SEH sensor through it.
3) Press the sensor head completely into the marten hose (warm it up a little if necessary).
4) Loosen the nut of the cable gland and feed the other end of the marten hose through.
5) Insert the protruding plug into the corresponding socket on the circuit board and remove the black shunt.
6) Tighten the union nut of the cable gland and screw the housing watertight (IP65). Check that the seal on the upper edge of the housing is not damaged.
7) Lead the end of the with the sensor head to the hazardous point to be monitored and secure with cable ties. Attention: The sensor head is sensitive. Every single sensor can be exchanged.

Fire detector SNS
Attach the SNS body with cable ties at the top of the engine
compartment and supply 24 VDC to the cable. Brown wire (1) for plus blue wire (2) for ground. Check the bar code is visible.
• Standard type services up to 5 spot sensors and 1 linear sensor
• Option up to 6 engine boxes could communicate with the display
• Up to 5 smoke sensors could be added
We recommend the Blackay and
Rotarex Compact Line system for fire fighting
